Cobra Tonearm |
Dig That Groove!
Take any concept that you had about what makes a great turntable, throw the idea of having a conventional tonearm right out of the window, runs it over with a truck... twice. A complex shape and choice of materials demonstrates a departure from the norm in the commercially available alternatives.
Just as Caliburn, the turntable, revolutionised turntable design by use of FEA software and shape optimisation, so too Continuum Audio Laboratories has used the same software technology to derive the new shape and performance parameters of the potent Cobra tonearm.
By taking the design and aesthetic constraints off the prototype modelling, we instructed the software to achieve infinite stiffness with lowest mass.
Ideal parameters in a virtual world not limited by manufacturing constraints.
The resulting Cobra-like shape appears counter-intuitive at first glance. Yes the shape appears large and heavy but it isn’t.
When one considers that every increase in width or height increases stiffness by a factor of close to 8 times then the size of the arm becomes a design requirement.